Sapphires for your engagement ring

.85ct Cushion Blue Sapphire engagement ring

By Vicky Dillon

If you wonder what gemstone to set in your engagement ring, you’ve come to the right place. This isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. After all, this ring is a symbol of your love to your partner, and you’ll be wearing it almost permanently.

It’s becoming more and more common for couples to choose sapphires as the fitting gemstone for their engagement rings. Find out more about if this could be the right choice for you or not and dig deeper into the relevant information!

“Kashmir, Myanmar (formerly Burma) and Sri Lanka are three historically important sources for the September birthstone. Significant quantities of the September birthstone have also been found in Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Madagascar and the United States (Montana), among other countries in Asia and Africa.”

Sapphires are a very precious gemstone, typically deep blue in complexion. It often has symbols of longevity, innocence, and good health. It is a varied corundum consisting mainly of aluminum oxide with iron, magnesium, vanadium, chromium, and titanium traces. They can occur in other colors aside from blue, ranging from purple to orange to green. Natural sapphires occur in geological formation deposits mined with varying standards of quality. Whilst also being fairly scratch-resistant and durable, these properties certainly make sapphires a solid choice.


Aside from the gemstone’s obvious beauty, couples are drawn to sapphires with the obvious benefit of being affordable. This might be an important factor with wedding and honeymoon expenses building up. While rarer than diamonds, a one-carat sapphire will undoubtedly cost less than a one-carat diamond. This is because the sapphire industry has never being monopolized. Therefore, sapphire engagement rings are more affordable than diamond engagement rings on average. Deep blue hue sapphires are also more costly because this color is most sought after. It’s also worth noting that lab-created sapphires will usually be cheaper per carat than natural sapphires since these naturally forming gemstones are rarer.

Unique style

Colored gemstones are becoming increasing in fashion for the contemporary bride. Their personal and unique approach has even caused royalty to choose sapphires for their rings. With such varying shades, no two sapphire gemstones are the same, meaning you will be the only one with that particular gem on your finger. With a guaranteed one-of-a-kind nature, sapphires can offer an intimate feeling of being as unique as the relationship you are marrying. You’ll be getting a fully customizable piece when you purchase a sapphire engagement ring. After all, each color in the ranging sapphire spectrum will offer you an individual figurative meaning. Additionally, with a range of shapes and cuts, you can make this once-in-a-lifetime purchase personal to you.

With sapphires quickly rising in value as the years go by, you might want to take the plunge and choose this incredibly stunning gemstone for your engagement ring. As a one-off purchase, sapphires can give you the personal touch you might have been looking for. This includes unique symbolization, colors, and shapes, all at an affordable price. With a sapphire on your finger, you can be confident that you’ve made a worthy investment!